• 德国银行甚至德意志银行不那么看重资本而是测试计算资本资产之间的杠杆

    The German Banks, even Deutsche bank, look particularly thinly capitalised when the test disclosures are used to calculate a simple leverage ratio of capital to total assets.


  • 德意志银行指控细节可能具有个别性这项指控金融危机后暴露出来的很多做法具有共性

    The details of the allegation may be special to Deutsche Bank, but the story has the same general characteristics of so many schemes unearthed in the aftermath of the financial meltdown.


  • 但是德意志银行结论基于近期评估因为新浪公司最近重新定位,这会严重影响其利润率

    The bank's reasoning, however, is based on near-term valuation due to the fact that Sina's profit margins will be under pressure while the company repositions itself.


  • 在发现难以达到今年税前利润目标以及预计第三季度收益低于预期之后德意志银行陷入了全面不安

    Deutsche Bank added to the general unease after it abandoned its pre-tax profit target for the year and forecast that its third quarter would be "significantly below expectations".


  • 一些银行开始销售尾风险产品德意志银行创造Elvis指标能够根据股市增长波动性产生回报

    Some banks have started to sell tail-risk products. Deutsche Bank has created the ELVIS index, which generates returns when stockmarket volatility increases.


  • 德意志银行亚当•西敏斯基指出OECD各国存货足以维持59消费历史平均值55天更高。

    As Adam Sieminski of Deutsche Bank points out, OECD inventories, with enough to cover 59 days of consumption, are relatively high compared with the historic average of 55 days.


  • 根据德意志银行估计一季度,1400万美国家庭(其中27%按揭付款买房)已经资不抵债

    By the end of the first quarter 14m American households (27% of mortgage-holders) owed more than their homes were worth, according to estimates by Deutsche Bank.


  • 该行名职员曾预测到之后的这场萧条,此后德意志银行囤积衍生工具合同房市低迷之际身价倍增

    After one of its analysts predicted two years ago that a slump was coming, Deutsche Bank piled into derivatives contracts that gain in value as the housing market sinks.


  • 巴克莱银行德意志银行JP摩根大通、瑞士信贷集团摩根斯坦利苏格兰皇家银行负责今天债券销售

    Barclays Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Credit Suisse Group AG, Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc are managing today’s sale, the person said.


  • 德意志银行发言人银行这个过程中的角色成功的,他们努力公众和个人伙伴关系最好例子之一。

    The Deutsche spokeswoman also said the banks' role in this process has been a success, saying in a statement that the effortis one of the best examples of public-private partnerships.


  • 德意志银行发言人银行这个过程中的角色成功的,他们努力公众和个人伙伴关系最好例子之一

    The Deutsche spokeswoman also said the Banks' role in this process has been a success, saying in a statement that the effort "is one of the best examples of public-private partnerships."


  • 美国银行花旗集团股价上涨超过至少1.3%,领涨银行个股,此前德意志银行和瑞银集团收益好于预期。

    Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc. climbed at least 1.3 percent, leading Banks higher following better-than-estimated earnings at Deutsche bank and UBS AG.


  • 依靠国内储户日本国际上债权国;而希腊则一个依靠自由投资者的债务国,德意志银行的托马斯•梅厄如是说。

    Japan is a creditor nation that can rely on domestic savers. Greece is a deficit country that depends on “footloose” investors, says Thomas Mayer of Deutsche Bank.


  • 但是银行家杂志提到三家投资银行-瑞银德意志银行瑞士信贷去年因为高比例的市场风险权重资产今年

    But three large investment Banks the Banker mentioned last year for their high proportion of market-risk-weighted assets - UBS, Deutsche bank and Credit Suisse - are also on this list.


  • 比如美国银行借记卡澳大利亚新西兰西太银行以及波兰弗罗茨瓦夫的德意志银行收取提现费用

    For example, with my bank of America ATM card I get fee free ATM withdrawals from any Westpac bank in Australia or New Zealand or Deutsche bank here in Wroclaw, Poland.


  • 高楼建成日,即是市场衰退之时”,这是德意志银行的证券分析师安德鲁劳伦斯于1999年发表的判言。

    “The world’s tallest buildings have risen on the eve of economic downturns,” claimed Andrew Lawrence, research director at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, in 1999.


  • 虽然德意志银行表示不会抬高出价,可能不得不自食其言,未来或调高出以便赢得一些大型机构股东

    Although the Deutsche Bourse has said it will not raise its price, it may have to eat its words and do so anyway in the next few weeks in order to win over some large institutional shareholders.


  • 杰夫•克拉维伦,德意志银行分析家指出培训名副驾驶员的时间,但是培训乘务人员却只需要20

    Geoff van Klaveren, an analyst with Deutsche Bank, points out that it takes a year to train a co-pilot, but cabin crew can be trained in 20 days.


  • 这些轻易打碎分析预测银行包括,德意志银行瑞士联合银行BNP巴黎银行他们分别德国瑞士法国最大银行

    Among the firms that comfortably beat analystsforecasts were Deutsche Bank, UBS and BNP Paribas, the biggest banks in Germany, Switzerland and France respectively.


  • 隶属德意志银行DB研究中心的克劳斯注意到,增加年长失业工人的补助不但无助于鼓励他们再就业而且会促发过早退休

    Offering extended unemployment benefits to older workers discourages them from seeking work and promotes early retirement, notes Klaus Deutsch of DB Research, part of Deutsche Bank.


  • 德意志银行估计,英国石油行业通货膨胀率已经达到了30 %,超过过去并且今年明年每年继续上升至少15 %。

    Deutsche Bank estimates that inflation in the oil business has run at 30% a year over the past two years, and will continue to rise by at least 15% a year this year and next.


  • 恰好巴塞尔协议达成德意志银行(德国最大银行)开始疾呼资金。而这样看来,这种呼喊似乎不太可能树立新风

    In this light the cash call that Deutsche bank, Germany's biggest bank, embarked on just before the new Basel guidelines were released seems unlikely to set a trend.


  • 这家德国国有批发银行当中最摇摇欲坠西德意志银行银行网站的醒目位置上,打出银行许多保护机构”的概况

    WestLB, the shakiest of Germany's state-owned wholesale Banks, or Landesbanken, prominently displays an "overview" of the bank's many "protection mechanisms" on its site.


  • 拥戴现有管理团队的股东们倾向于与德意志银行合并那些对此不怎么在意的股东们倾向于被纳斯达克/洲际交易所收购

    Shareholders that like the current management team would be more inclined to vote for the Deutsche Bourse deal, while those who are more lukewarm on it would lean toward the Nasdaq/ICE deal.


  • 分析师还表示,欧洲最大的几家银行,法国兴业银行、英国巴克莱银行德意志银行预计会顺利通过测试需要筹集额外资金

    Europe's largest Banks from Societe Generale SA to Barclays Plc and Deutsche bank AG are expected to come through the tests without needing to raise additional capital, according to analysts.


  • 分析师还表示,欧洲最大的几家银行,法国兴业银行、英国巴克莱银行德意志银行预计会顺利通过测试需要筹集额外资金

    Europe's largest Banks from Societe Generale SA to Barclays Plc and Deutsche bank AG are expected to come through the tests without needing to raise additional capital, according to analysts.


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