• 数据适配器适配器dataset

    Data adapters, table adapters, and datasets.


  • 添加更多数据适配器

    Add more data adapters.


  • 测试可以运行但是诊断数据适配器无法运行。

    Your tests can be run, but the diagnostic data adapter cannot be run.


  • 暂停暂停视频录制任何其他诊断数据适配器

    Pause also pauses the video recording or any other diagnostic data adapters.


  • 每个数据适配器通常用于单个数据表中读取写入数据

    Typically, each data adapter is used to read and write data to a single data table.


  • 单独命令编辑器使用用于定义各种数据适配器同一UI元素

    The same set of UI elements used to define the various data adapter commands are used in the standalone command editor.


  • 对于运行诊断数据适配器一个多个角色没有可用代理

    There is no agent available for one or more roles that run diagnostic data adapters.


  • 下面过程介绍如何配置诊断数据适配器收集事件日志数据

    The following procedure describes how to configure your diagnostic data adapter to collect event log data.


  • 如果测试设置配置操作诊断数据适配器使用默认创建操作录制

    If you did not configure the actions diagnostic data adapter in your test Settings, then the default values are used to create your action recording.


  • 可导致自动生成代码创建将添加组件托盘中的 ADO.NET连接命令数据适配器对象

    This causes code to be automatically generated to create the ADO.NET connection, command, and data adapter objects that are added to the component tray.


  • 如果有意使用包含多个数据集,则您可能希望窗体组件中添加更多数据适配器

    If you intend to use a dataset that contains multiple tables, you will probably want to add more data adapter to your form or component.


  • 一旦配置了数据适配器,您可以生成数据定义了,数据存储数据适配器断开连接的结果集。

    Once you have configured your data adapter, you can generate the data set definition that will host your data adapter disconnected result sets.


  • 一旦数据连接中定义数据适配器可以为这些适配器自动生成数据数据定义添加到项目中。

    Once data adapters are defined in your data connection, you can automatically generate data sets for these adapters and add the data set definitions to your project.


  • 如果希望选择其他诊断数据适配器选定适配器配置收集其他数据编辑测试计划现有测试设置

    You can edit existing test Settings for a test plan if you want to select different diagnostic data adapters, or configure the selected adapters to collect different data.


  • 对于应用程序开发除了可以数据对象外,可以使用数据适配器向导这些数据适配器拖放到窗体中配置它们

    For application development, in addition to being able to drag and drop data objects, you could also drag and drop these data adapters onto forms and configure them using the data adapter wizard.


  • 运行向导之后需要单独应用程序中添加数据编写代码提供一种使数据适配器可以使用数据集的方法

    After running the wizard, you still need to separately add a dataset to your application and write code to provide a way for the data adapter to work with the dataset.


  • IBMExplorer数据连接DB2 数据连接引入这个新的文件夹允许用户定义重用数据适配器

    The IBM Explorer data connection has introduced this new folder under DB2 data connection allowing users to define and re-use data adapters.


  • 通过配置测试设置可以使用测试影响分析诊断数据适配器监视特定进程模块是否发生了对现有测试影响更改

    Test Settings can be configured to use the diagnostic data adapter for test impact analysis to monitor specific processes and modules for changes that affect existing tests.


  • 相同RAD功能用于winWeb窗体设计器这些适配器以及预览修改这些数据适配器检索数据

    The same set of RAD features may be used to drag and drop these adapters onto win and Web form designers as well as to preview and modify the data retrieved by these data adapters.


  • 然后详细介绍模型四个核心组成部分数据适配器XML消息组件数据传输组件数据交换工具设计以及实现过程

    Then this paper expounds the design and realization of four main parts in the model. These parts are data Adapter, XML message component, data transmission and data exchange tool.


  • 这些可重用数据适配器可以拥有selectupdateinsertdelete命令它们或者是sql语句或者存储过程调用

    These re-usable data adapters can have select, update, insert, and delete commands that are either SQL statements or stored procedure calls.


  • 放(drag-and-drop)操作自动生成所需的 ADO.NET连接命令数据适配器对象添加窗体组件托盘上

    The drag-and-drop operation will automatically generate the required ADO.NET connection, command, and data adapter objects and add them to the form's component tray.


  • 此外,还可以ibmExplorer中的数据适配器节点直接生成DataSet消除创建Windows应用程序才能生成DataSet需求

    Additionally, you could generate DataSets directly from the data adapter nodes in the IBM Explorer, eliminating the need to create a Windows application to generate a DataSet.


  • 必须手动添加用户界面控件它上面设置绑定生成DataSet需要将代码添加窗体Load事件,以便利用DataSet填充数据适配器

    You had to manually add the user interface control, set the binding on it, generate the DataSet, and also add the code to the Load event of the form to fill the data adapter with the DataSet.


  • 可重用数据适配器一个强大功能就是可以部署DB 2嵌入WebSphere应用程序服务器上可以生成IISweb方法,用以部署web服务

    One powerful feature of the re-usable data adapters is the ability to deploy them to the DB2 embedded WebSphere application server or to generate IIS web methods for deployment as web services.


  • 数据适配器这些单独命令要么公开MicrosoftIISWeb方法,要么公开为使用DB 2WORF技术DB 2嵌入式应用服务器Web服务

    These individual commands on the data adapter could be either exposed as Microsoft IIS Web methods or as DB2 embedded application server Web services using the DB2 WORF technology.


  • 创建Web服务 Web方法菜单选项IBMExplorer中的DataAdapters节点树中的单独数据适配器节点提供

    The menu options to create the Web services and Web methods were provided on the Data Adapters node in the IBM Explorer tree as well as on the individual data adapter nodes in the tree.


  • 此外我们引入一个新的可重用ado.net数据适配器概念,这些数据适配器显示VisualStudioIDEIBMExplorer视图中。

    Additionally, we have introduced a new concept of re-usable ADO.NET data adapters that are shown in the IBM Explorer view of the Visual Studio IDE.


  • 这个中介映射操作,将输入数据发送适配器

    The mediation maps the operations, sending the input data through to the adapter.


  • 内容适配器运行检索数据因此大部分内容适配器必须周期性地运行检索数据

    Content adapters retrieve data only once each time they are run, so most of them must be run periodically to retrieve data.


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