/ yī piàn wāng yáng /
  • 简明
  • 新汉英
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  • 1

     a flood of water

    英文缩写大全 > BET: Balanced-Emitter Transister ... BPB - BIOS参数块 AFND - 急性热性嗜中细胞性皮肤病 CSPDN - 电路交换公共数据网 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    以前的汪洋大海, 突然形成四条大河, 大河流经群山, 遍行全中国。
    Where once the sea had been but one great big expanse of water, suddenly four rivers formed, and these four meandered from beneath the mountains and spread across the whole country.
  • 2
    We have very strong evidence that a vast sub-surface ocean exists on Jupiter's moon Europa. It's an incredibly compelling place to explore in our search for life beyond Earth.
  • 3
    The fog lay stretched in an unbroken sea over the plain, but at the village of Schlapanitz on the high ground where Napoleon was, surrounded by his marshals, it was now perfectly clear.