A figure
长的一表人才(A figure),只有完全成熟的女人,才有真正的秘密,不太成熟的女人,只有暂时的秘密,不成熟的女人,则根本没有秘密。
a man of striking appearance
一表人才 a man of striking appearance; a fine- looking man; with the appearance of a ta ..
A Fine-looking Man
A Fine-looking Man(一表人才), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
with the appearance of a ta
一表人才 a man of striking appearance; a fine- looking man; with the appearance of a ta ..
make a good appearance
一表人才,汉语成语,拼音是yī biǎo rén cái,意思是形容人容貌俊秀端正。出自《望江亭》。