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     Dresses by Dior

    ... 一身汗 sweatingallover 一身名牌 Dresses by Dior 一身休闲装 A Casual Wear ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Pets are also getting a designer makeover as people without children look for a substitute to spoil and another way of showing off their status, according to Euromonitor's Roberts.
  • 2
    阿梅名牌打扮, 在生日派对上换了两套衫, 每件价值过万元, 手中又戴上三条水晶手链, 她表示不戴粉红水晶因不想有爱情。
    Ah Mui was in brand names. She changed twice during the party. Each piece costs more than HK10K. She also wears 3 crystal bracelets. As pink is for love, so she would not wear it.
  • 3
    So in many casesthe debt from a private school is more career-limiting than the lack ofbrand name on your diploma.