  • 翻译

Nickel butyl diketoxime


  • 网络释义
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     Dimethylglyoxime dinickel salt

    品介绍 中文名称:丁二酮肟镍 CAS登录号:13478-93-8 英文名称:Dimethylglyoxime dinickel salt 分子式:C8H14N4NIO4 分子量: 288.91 免责声明 :以上所展示的信息由企业自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,中国化工企

  • 2

     Nickel dimethylglyoxime

    信息 中文名称: 丁二酮肟镍 中文同义词: 丁二酮肟镍;丁二酮肟镍,99%;二甲基乙二肟镍 英文名称: NICKEL DIMETHYLGLYOXIME 英文同义词: 2,3-Butanedione, dioxime, nickel complex;Bis(2,3-butanedione dioximato)n..

  • 双语例句
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    采用灼烧法预处理、 丁二酮肟重量分析法来测定载碳纳米管的载镍量,获得稳定而准确的分析结果。
    With pretreatment by combustion method, the nickel amount supported in carbon steel nanotube is determined by dimethylglyoxime weight method and accurate and stable analysis results are obtained.
  • 2
    The Ni(II) cation has a distorted octahedral geometry defined by five N atoms from two dimethylglyoxime molecules and two O atoms from two formate anions.
  • 3
    With pretreatment by combustion method, the nickel amount supported in carbon steel nanotube is determined by dimethylglyoxime weight method and accurate and stable analysis results are obtained.