in a great fury
... 七上八下be greatly upset 七窍生烟in a great fury 七零八落go to reck(顾虑)and rain ...
off the deep end
... off the deep end 暴跳如雷 ; 大发雷霆 ; 水下摄影展 ; 七窍生烟 The Deep End 暗夜摇篮曲 ; 律海浮沉 ; 律政新人 ; 欲劫迷离 T The Deep End 工业金属 ...
fumigate with anger
七七事变 July 7, 1937, the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War 七窍生烟 fumigate with anger 七件事 the seven household needs: 柴 fuel, 米 rice, 油 oil, 盐 salt, 酱 sauce, 醋 vinegar, 茶 tea ..
foam with rage
七窍生烟,汉语成语,拼音是qī qiào shēng yān,意思是愤得好像耳目口鼻都要冒出火来;形容气愤到极点。出自《廿载繁华梦》。