share everything
不分彼此 = make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's 不分彼此 = share everything 不分胜' = come out even ..
be on very intimate terms
不列颠诸岛 = British Isles 不分彼此 = be on very intimate terms 不分彼此 = make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's ..
share everything between each other
... We Share Everything 我们彼此没有谜底 ; 我们分享一切 share everything between each other 不分彼此 Share Everything With Your Coworkers 任何事情都跟你的同事分享 ...
词 目 不分彼此 发 音 bù fēn bǐ cǐ 释 义 彼:那,对方。此:这,我。不分你和我,形容关系密切,交情深厚。 出 处 宋·陈亮《谢安比王导论》:“一切以大体弥缝之,号令无所变更,而任用不乏其人。” 示 例 他就是我,我就是他,我俩原是~的。(蔡东藩、许廑父《民国通俗演义》第一百三十回)