As good as
卒然碰着了伤病(Injuries),这看待一个年青球员来说不啻(As good as)是恶梦。不外阿联挺了过来,尽量因为手指的伤势手感不佳,投篮不足安靖,不过阿联如故小心翼翼地做好本身的防备和篮板。
... key moment for action 事机; 事机 like (sth momentous) 不啻 magnetic moment 磁矩 ...
nnot less than
... 不耻下问 nnot feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates 不啻 nnot less than; as; like; as good as 不出所料 nas expected ...
... 不耻下问 nnot feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates 不啻 nnot less than; as; like; as good as 不出所料 nas expected ...
不啻是一个汉语词语,读音为bù chì,指不只;不止;不仅仅;不亚于。出自《书·多士》:“尔不克敬,尔不啻不有尔土,予亦致天之罚于尔躬。”