not good at
... 不善 = ill 不善 = not good at 不善 = not to be poohpoohed ...
... akurvan 远离 akusala 不善 alabdha-atmaka 身相 ...
quite impressive
... printed impression 印痕 quite impressive 不善 seal impression 印鉴; 印鉴 ...
Contemplating good and pursuing it; as if you could not reach it; contemplating evil; and shrinking from it; as you would from thrusting a hand into boiling water.
poor management ; 管理 ill management ; maladministration ; illness management
不善,汉语词汇。 拼音:bù shàn 释义:不善一词有多种含义,一般指坏事、坏人、缺点等,有时也作不好、不长于、非同小可解。