... oil-free (无油) non-drying (不干) non-acnegenic (防暗疮) ...
Does not do
...曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败 » They had to challenge the world's strongest team and they beat 不干 » Does not do 你的离开,是我的宽大么?你能看到摸样,却看不到你给我的刺。
承包商向业主的索赔 » Contractor to the owner of the claim 不干 » Quit 它有能力处理家务,参与各种活动 » It has the capacity to deal with housework, participation in various activities ..
non-interference in each other’s internal affairs ; non-interference ; non-interference in each other's internal affairs ; Mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs
non-interference in other's internal affairs
positive non-interventionism ; Positive non-interventionist policy
bù gàn ㄅㄨˋ ㄍㄢˋ 不干(不干) 词语解释 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.不愿意承担某种任务或不听从某种安排。例句:要他做生意,他不干。 2.无能,不称职。《金史·食货志四》:“上以为不干,杖七十,罢之。”