the sound incessantly lingers
不绝于耳 can be heard without end; linger in one's ears; the sound incessantly lingers ..
can be heard without end
不绝于耳 can be heard without end; linger in one's ears; the sound incessantly lingers ..
linger in one's ears
不绝于耳 can be heard without end; linger in one's ears; the sound incessantly lingers ..
the perpetual noise of traffic
the perpetual noise of traffic
不绝于耳是一个汉语成语,读音为bù jué yú ěr,意思是声音在耳边鸣响不断。出自 《史记·平津侯主父列传》:“金石丝竹之声不绝于耳,帷帐之私俳优侏儒之笑不乏于前。”