... 不见经传 = not to be found in the classics - not authoritative 不见经传 = unknown 不解 = indissoluble ...
... 版本历程记录 historia wersji 不见经传 nieznany 不经意 nieostrożnie ...
... 不见得 not necessarily; not likely 不见经传 unfounded; not authoritative 不见一点踪影 no trace to be seen ...
not to be found in the classics -- not authoritative
不见经传 not to be found in the classics -- not authoritative; not supported by histori ..
Unknown ; unknown , nobody
Catholic University of Milan
an inglorious name
不见经传,汉语成语,拼音是bù jiàn jīng zhuàn,意思是指经传上没有记载。后常指人没有名声或论述没有根据。出自《鹤林玉露》。