Southeast Asia
...东南亚(Southeast Asia)是第二次世界大战后期才出现的一个新的地区名称。该地区共有11个国家:越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚、新加坡、印度...
Star Sports
发表一下你对卫视体育东南亚(STAR SPORTS)的看法
South Asia
看盘(Read the tape)方法:谈一下东南亚(South Asia)即时赔率 一.
asean ; Association of Southeast Asian Nations ; ASEANAssociation of South-East Asian Nations ; Association of Southeast Asian Nations-ASEAN
the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia ; Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia ; Treaty of Amity and Cooperation
Southeast Asian Games ; SEA GAMES ; South East Asia Games
"东南亚"是个多义词,它可以指东南亚(世界地理概念),东南亚:重新找回的历史,东南亚([日] 石泽良昭所著书籍)。