Casus voluntarius 依本人意愿发生的事变 Casus 事变 Catastrophe Bond 灾难债券 高收益债务工具,一般与保险相关,旨在应付出现天然灾害,例如飓风或地震的资金需要。
... access n.濒临;通道,进口 accident n.意外的;事变 accidental a.偶尔的;非实质的 ...
transformation of the military affairs with Chinese Characteristics; RMA with Chinese characteristics ; the military revolution with Chinese characteristics ; transformation of the military affairs with Chinese Characteristics
Mukden Incident ; The Incident of September 18; 1931; September 18th Incident ; Manchurian Incident ; September 18 incident
Marco Polo Bridge Incident ; The Lu Gou Qiao Incident
事变,读音是shì biàn,汉语词语,意思是世事的变化。