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    ...alphaspectrometerα粒子能谱仪 alternatingexchangeload交变负荷 alternating-currentlinearvariabledifferentialtransformerAC-ACLVDT交流极谱仪alternatingtemperaturehumiditytestchamber交变...

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     alternating load

    交变负荷 alternatingexchangeload ; alternating load ; alternate load ; alternate charge 部分负荷 part load ; partial load ; sub load ; Part throttle .

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     alternate load

    ... alternate trustee 候补受托人 alternate load 交变负载 ; 交替载荷 ; 交变负荷 ; 交替负载 alternate design 比较设计 ; 变换设计 ; 比较 ; 设计比较方案 ...

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     alternate charge

    ... alternate channel ==> 交替信道,替代信道,备用信道,变更通道,变更信道 alternate charge ==> 交变负荷 alternate clera-strip system ==> 交互带状皆伐式渐伐作业法 ...

  • 双语例句
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    Conclusion: It was suggested that the alternating load strength training could obviously effectively improve the effects of the muscular strength.
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    High-frequency fatigue tester, which belongs to metal material tester, is used to measure the fatigue performance of drawing, compressing of metal material and its alloy in room temperature condition.
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    Because the diagonal outriggers brace the crane not only against side-to-side forces, but also front-to-back turning forces, these two cranes can lift the full rated load over a wider Angle.