While in the fMRI scanner they read and listened to messages about the safe use of sunscreen, mixed in with other messages so they would not guess what the experiment was about.
By studying MRI brain scans of people newly in love, scientists are learning a lot about the science of love: why love is so powerful, and why being rejected is so horribly painful.
这项研究的主要作者是来自亚伯达大学的Greg Kawchuk教授,他说:“我们称之为‘拉我的手指研究’(pull my finger study),实际上的确是拉伸某人的手指并用核磁共振观察发生了什么。”
Lead author Professor Greg Kawchuk, from the University of Alberta, said: 'We call it the "pull my finger study" – and actually pulled someone's finger and filmed what happens in the MRI.