subject small; weak or poor nations to bullying; or intimidation
以强凌弱(subject small; weak or poor nations to bullying; or intimidation)
the strong lording over the weak
以强凌弱(the strong lording over the weak)
there is no honor in the strong bullying the weak saying what one thinks (idiom) 但说无妨; 但说无妨 there is no honor in the strong bullying the weak (idiom) 以强凌弱; 以强凌弱 there is no lack of 不乏 ..
以强凌弱,汉语成语,拼音是yǐ qiáng líng ruò,意思是仗着自己强大就欺侮弱者。出自《庄子·盗跖》。