benefiting oneself at the expense of neighbors
以邻为壑(benefiting oneself at the expense of neighbors)
beggar-thy-neighbor effect
以邻为壑(beggar-thy-neighbor effect): 这其实是一个经济学名词, 指一个国家采取有利于自己却可能伤害周边国家的政策. 货币贬值就是其中的佼佼者.
to shift one's problems onto others
...角色为基础的授权 role-based authorization 以邻为壑 to use one's neighbor as a drain; to shift one's problems onto others (idiom) 以身抵债 forced labor to repay a debt ..
以邻为壑,汉语成语,拼音是yǐ lín wéi hè,意思是拿邻国当做大水坑,把本国的洪水排泄到那里去。比喻只图自己一方的利益,把困难或祸害转嫁给别人。出自《孟子·告子下》。