physical labor; manual labor
体力劳动(physical labor; manual labor)
physical labor
定义1-8:劳动(labor)是指在生产过程中,人类自身所做出的贡献,是脑力劳动(mental talents labor)和 体力劳动 ( physical labor )的总称.
manual labor
...产阶级的生涯规划,他们透过校 园内的某种社会化过程,提早学会了「工场文化(shopfloor culture), 体力劳动 ( manual labor )是毕业后「理所当然的最佳选择,这是他 们主动贴近的工作生涯。
physical work
trades)的工人等,他们大都从事体力劳动(physical work ), 常穿蓝色工作服(uniform),故称 “蓝领工人”。
the difference between mental and manual / physical/bodily labour
the antithesis between mental and physical labour; the opposition between mental and physical labor
劳经 Blue-collar worker ; a manual worker ; laborer ; blue-collarite