The new guidelines may inspire more people to perform CPR, says Sayre, an associate professor of emergency medicine at Ohio State University, Columbus.
So say Doug Downey and Donna Bobbit-Zeher of Ohio State University, Columbus, who found that kids with siblings make no more friends than those without.
哥伦布市(Columbus)俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State Universit)的古气象学家Lonnie Thompson在其早期工作中曾注意到尘土增加的现象,他表示对Conroy提供的数据很感兴趣并且认为他们的研究充满思考性。
Lonnie Thompson, a paleoclimatologist at Ohio State University in Columbus, who did the earlier work noting the rise of dust, says he was "impressed" with the data and called the work "thoughtful."