  • 翻译

Inclined armor


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  • 1

     sloped armor

    倾斜装甲sloped armor)技术

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    The vehicle had many modern and advanced features such as a 1000hp diesel engine, sloped armor, round cast turret - one of the elements considered was also an automatic loading mechanism.
  • 2
    虽然炮座装甲正中区域有可能被几乎垂直击中,但通常炮塔的侧面和炮座装甲被击中时的角度会较倾斜,约30 ~ 45度或以上。
    Turret side armor and barbette armor would usually be hit at a more oblique Angle usually circa30-45degrees or more though the very center of the barbette could be hit at near right angles.
  • 3
    虽然炮座装甲正中区域有可能被几乎垂直击中,但通常炮塔的侧面和炮座装甲被击中时的角度会较倾斜,约30 ~ 45度或以上。
    Turret side armor and barbette armor would usually be hit at a more oblique Angle, usually circa 30-45 degrees or more, though the very center of the barbette could be hit at near right angles.