supposing that
假吏 acting magistrate; temporary official (in former times) 假令 if; supposing that; acting county magistrate 假寐 to doze; to take a nap; nodding off to sleep ..
acting county magistrate
假吏 acting magistrate; temporary official (in former times) 假令 if; supposing that; acting county magistrate 假寐 to doze; to take a nap; nodding off to sleep ..
假吏 acting magistrate; temporary official (in former times) 假令 if; supposing that; acting county magistrate 假寐 to doze; to take a nap; nodding off to sleep ..
假令 jiǎlìng [if]∶假设,如果 假令有取。——唐·柳宗元《柳河东集》。明 董其昌《袁伯应(袁可立子)诗集序》:“假令今有李何降格而为制仪,过都历块,绝尘而奔,岂顾问哉!” [acting county magistrate]∶临时代理县令 假令:宋代太医局对医生的考试方法之一。假令亦即假令病法。是由考官假拟某种疾病的证候和表现特点,令被试者作出诊断并确定治疗方法,以考核其实际诊治能力。