Hardness with softness
”特维斯的举棋不定,令主帅在媒体面前的言论也显得如打太极一般刚柔并济(Hardness with softness),同时伊布拉希莫维奇德罗巴加盟的消息也甚嚣尘上,显然,一个人的活动,如果不是被高尚的思所鼓舞,那它是无益的、渺小的。
combination of softness and hardness
... 风土人情 local conditions and customs 刚柔并济 combination of softness and hardness 和谐文化 harmonious culture ...
to couple strength and gentleness
... 肝毛细线虫 capillaria hepatica 刚柔并济 to couple strength and gentleness (idiom) 广布野豌豆 vicia cracca ...
tamper force with mercy
...,刚柔并济,情景交融。 [gap=767]key word: Qu Yuan, "Nine Songs", the person god mixes together, tamper force with mercy, fitting together.
刚柔并济是一个汉语成语,拼音是 gāng róu bìng jì,意思是刚强的和柔和的互相补充,使恰到好处。出自汉·王粲《为刘荆州与袁尚书》:“当唯义是务,唯国是康。何者?金木水火以刚柔相济,然后克得其和,能为民用。”