batten on extortions
刮地皮 : batten on extortions; scrape up the up ..
fatten on the fat of
刮地皮 batten on extortions; scrape up the upper layer of earth; fatten on the fat of ..
scrape up the upper layer of earth
刮地皮 batten on extortions; scrape up the upper layer of earth; fatten on the fat of ..
[释义】民间用语:比喻贪官污吏搜刮民财,形同刮地皮一样(杆干毛静)寸草不留。 【出处】《新唐书·程日华传》:“马瘠士饥死,刺史不弃毫发恤吾急,今刮地以去,吾等何望。”