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  • 1

     power of sanction

    ... poundage 按每一英镑征收的税额;按镑收费额;企业收益中工资所占百分比 power of sanction 制裁权 Praecepta gentium 万民法规范(戒条) ...

  • 2

     haha power of sanction

    分类词汇:股市英语词汇大全_更多分类英语词汇_分类... ... 制订系统规模 制裁权

  • 3

     ability of sanction

    ... 制定系统范围 arrangement allocation 制裁权 ability of sanction 券面利率 accomplishmenton; advertisement rate ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    就像法官 G.S. 辛格维( G.S. Singhvi )和 A.K.甘古利(A.K.Ganguly)所说的:“拥有制裁的当局可以说我不倾向于实施制裁,但我们觉得这实际上这就是所谓的无所作为,在麻烦面前沉默不语。”
    As Justices G.S. Singhvi and A.K. Ganguly said: "The sanctioning authority can say I am not inclined to give sanction. But we find the alleged inaction and silence troubling."
  • 2
    This would have left only China in a position to veto sanctions, and China has traditionally not liked to veto alone.
  • 3
    There is talk of near-automatic sanctions on countries that break the euro’s rules, such as cancelling offenders’ voting rights, withholding EU funds or even suspending euro membership.