N&E has demanded a court order to compel 51. CA to execute the share exchange in the agreement.
碎至截稿时止,法庭文件中没有找到被告的辩护词,但加国无忧否认所有指控, 并将对指控作出有力辩护。
While a search of the court file showed that no statement of defence had yet been filed as of press time, 51. CA denies the allegations and intends to vigorously defend against them.
书 名:加国无忧 作 者:加国无忧网站 主编 出 版 社:中国经济出版社 出版时间:2011-6-1 版 次:1 页 数:294 字 数:300000 印刷时间:2011-6-1 开 本:16开 纸 张:胶版纸 印 次:1 I S B N:9787513606851 包 装:平装 22453879