Thefirst speaker at the podium, University of Western Ontario professor RodMartin, began with a lament over the lack of comedy scholarship.
据实验报告的合著者,毕业于加拿大西安大略大学的Dara Or bach所说,这项研究是证实野生蝙蝠此种行为现象的最早的实验研究之一。
The study is among the first experiments to confirm such behavior in wild bats, according to study co-author Dara Orbach, formerly a graduate student at the University of Western Ontario in Canada.
加拿大西安大略大学(the University of Western Ontario)的科学家依莉沙白•汉森进行了一项关于女性绩效和雄激素的研究。
Scientist Elizabeth Hanson of the University of Western Ontario conducted a study on women's performance and the hormone oestrogen.