Practice makes perfect
... 有其父必有其子 Like father, like son. 勤能补拙 Practice makes perfect. 预防胜于治疗 Prevention is better than cure. ...
Diligence redeems stupidity
Diligence redeems stupidity 勤能补拙。 Nothing is impossible to the man that can will. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
Diligence can make up for lack of intelligence
勤能补拙 Diligence can make up for lack of intelligence. 寡不击众 There is no contending against odds. .
Will be diligent fool
勤能补拙,汉语词语,拼音为qín néng bǔ zhuō,意思是指后天的勤奋能够弥补先天的不足、缺陷。出自宋·邵雍《弄笔吟》。