匹兹堡大学医学中心(UPMC-University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) 时报导医: 霍普金斯:听觉恢复 该院先后有33人获得诺贝尔奖,耳鼻喉科就是其中之一。.
The stakes were very high, "says Dr. Steven Goldstein, the neurologist who treated Kubitz in the emergency room at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center."
Vascular surgeon Jeffrey Isenberg, now at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and colleagues were studying how the gas nitric oxide promotes blood flow.
匹兹堡大学医学中心感染科兼任讲师amesh a . Adalja博士解释说:HPV的感染往往局限于特定身体部位。
HPV tends to be site specific, explained Dr. Amesh A. Adalja, an adjunct instructor in the division of infectious diseases at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.