Bold courage
角逐越来越亲昵于小牛的节律,越像小牛有招胜无招,每一次冲击小牛卓殊坚强,而热火倒显得惟有靠匹夫之勇(Bold courage),不见强攻的因素。丑,丑恶但是丑得特别,也就是特别的丑。
如《牢狱风云》(The Longest Yard)和《匹夫之勇》(Semi-Tough),两部影片中他都体验了自己曾经梦想的职业-橄榄球运动员。
courage without discipline
... 不翼而飞vanish from sight 匹夫之勇courage without discipline 比比皆是here and there and everywhere ...
use brawn rather than brain
有望夺金者 a gold medal hopeful 匹夫之勇 use brawn rather than brain 与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market ..
匹夫之勇,汉语成语,读音是pǐ fū zhī yǒng,意思是指不用智谋单凭个人的勇力。出自《孟子·梁惠王下》。