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  • 网络释义
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     Legendary Weapons of China

    邵氏电影 十八般武艺 (Legendary Weapons of China),作者:傅声 刘家辉 刘家良 刘家荣 惠英红,广东音像出版社, 邵氏电影 十八般武艺 (Legendary Weapons of..

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     Weapons of Kung Fu

    天前 中文片名:十八般武艺 英文片名:18 Weapons of Kung Fu 导演: ......... 详情 十八般武艺 1128天前 十八般武艺 影评 时光网 471天前 “十八般武艺”原意是指: 1863天前 网络短语 1. 十八般

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    资料 中文片名: 十八般武艺 英文片名: Shi 会员: pk华语电影 发布: 4年前 播放: 7,112 00:50 《大社会》金嗓歌后 甄妮勇敢做自己 5 不过这节目中的访问是剪辑加插的. 基于1个网页

  • 双语例句
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    He is proficient in all 18 of the martial arts.
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    Furthermore, no matter which era, the 18 instruments are far from concluding all the instruments of that time.
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    The eighteen types of feat is a technical term in Chinese traditional Wushu, which is generally used in Chinese archaic operas and classical novels.