one-pipeline hot water system
... 开式热水供应系统 open system for hot water supply 单管热水供应系统 one-pipeline hot water system 热源 source of heat ...
single pipe system of hotwater
... 开式热水供应系统open system of hotwatersupply 单管热水供应系统single pipe system of hotwater 自然循环natural circulation ...
pipeline hot water system 单管热水供应系统 single pipe system of hot water supply ; single pipe system of hotwater ; pipeline hot water system 热水循环回流管 hotwaterreturnline ..
single pipe system of hot water supply
单管热水供应系统 one-pipeline hot water system; single pipe system of hot water supply; single ..
单管热水供应系统(single pipe system of hot water supply)仅设一根管道供应使用温度的热水系统。