a dog in the manger
...er do只(表示社会上摈弃的倒霉蛋),go to the do只(指人的身体变坏、灵魂堕落或形势变糟),a dog in the manger(占着茅坑不拉屎),a sad dog(无赖),a ay dog(狡徒、奸贼), throw to the d0 (毫不爱惜地扔掉),die a dog death(潦倒而死),do只eat dog(残酷无...
dog in the manage
... old dog will learn no new trick. 老人学不了新东西. dog in the manage 占着茅坑不拉屎 to lead a dog life 过着穷苦的生活 ...
a dog in the manger ; The dog in the manger
占着茅坑不拉屎,是汉语词汇,拼音是zhàn zhe máo kēng bù lā shǐ,比喻占着位置不干活。