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  • 1

    [自] reachable state

    ... reachable set可达集;能达集 reachable state可达状态;能达状态 reaction gas反应气 ...

  • 2

    [自] accessible state

    ... accessible region 可通过区 accessible state 可达状态 accessible address space 可存取地址空间...

  • 3

     attainable state

    ... attainable standard 可达到的标准 attainable state 可达状态 attainable vacuum 可达真空度 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    It not only used pre-image computation to avoid false negative, but also incorporated reachable states and unreachable states in the verification process.
  • 2
    汽车的充电状态可以通过iPhone应用程序监测到。 充满电后,汽车行程可达180英里。
    The car’s charging status can bemonitored by an iPhone app, of course.
  • 3
    active状态意味着Connection Manager激活服务;defined状态相当于停止状态,在此状态下,Connection Manager不启动服务,使之不可达
    Active state means the Connection Manager activates the service; defined is equivalent to down, in which case the Connection Manager does not start the service, making it unreachable.