a libation
吊环 hanging rings (gymnastics) 吊祭 to offer sacrifice (to ancestors); a libation; a worship ceremony for the dead 吊颈 to hang oneself ..
to offer sacrifice
低剂量照射 low dose irradiation 吊祭 to offer sacrifice (to ancestors); a worship ceremony for the dead; a libation 吊祭 to offer sacrifice (to ancestors); a libation; a worshi...
吊祭是吊唁死者的日子,山西各地一般都在出殡前一天,俗称“开悼” 或“开吊”。开悼时架设灵棚,将棺木移置灵棚之中。名为“移灵”。隆重丧事在灵棚前要搭牌坊。灵棚内悬幔帐或帘,后面停棺,前面为堂,灵堂中摆有供桌,桌上供灵花,陈列牌位和祭器、祭品,悬挂死者遗像。两侧摆各式纸扎和陪葬品,如童男童女、金银二斗、金银二山、摇钱树、聚宝盆、引路菩萨、打道鬼、方相以及挽联、挽幛、花圈等。开吊后,亲友来吊丧,统按照“ 死者为大”的规矩,上香跪拜。沁县一带称“跪草”,曲沃等地称“跪灵”,闻喜一带则称之为“坐草守灵”。