Exist in name only
自从2005年7月到差于今仍旧三年多了,个中还名存实亡(Exist in name only)地干了约莫一年(Year),个中滋味唯有我方晓畅。用最少的悔恨面对过去。
He is as good as dead already
...ntially; in every essential respect实际上;其实;实在;在各要点上 He is as good as dead already.宛如死人;行尸走肉;名存实亡 (1)no less than; equally with等于;不下于;亦;一样好 ..
reduce to a skeleton
... reduce to a shadow 瘦得不成样子; 名存实亡 reduce to a skeleton 瘦得不成样子; 名存实亡 the shadow of a shade 幻影; 海市蜃楼; 几乎不存在的东西 ...
the name remains, but the reality is gone
...ne service life remaining depreciation method 平均剩余年限法 the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom) 名存实亡; 名存实亡 the remaining people 馀者; 余者 ..
名存实亡,汉语成语,拼音是míng cún shí wáng,意思是名义上还存在,实际上已消亡。出自唐·韩愈《处州孔子庙碑》。