股票入门知识:套牢 8法门解决后顾之忧(Worries) 股票入门知识(Introduction to Knowledge):套牢 8窍门解决后顾之忧
Troubles bake at home
十年树木,百年树人 Troubles bake at home. 后顾之忧 Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩 .
worries about the future consequences
刮伤 scratch (wound)scratch (damage to an object) 后顾之忧 worries about the future consequences 金属探伤 metal crack detection ..
worries about future
后顾之忧 » worries about future 如果我是你,我会等父母冷静下来以后和他们好好谈谈。并且告诉他们,你非常的爱他们,不希望看到他们经常吵架。
后顾之忧,汉语词语,拼音为hòu gù zhī yōu,指在前进过程中,担心后方发生问题。出自《魏书·李冲传》。