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     absorbed radiation energy

    ... 吸收光谱;吸收谱:absorption spectrum 吸收辐射能absorbed radiation energy 吸收不良综合征:malaborption syndromes ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    While in the form of radiation, the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.
  • 2
    美国旧金山本周二通过了一项手机辐射法,这项法令规定出售手机的店铺必须在销售的手机旁边以11号以上大小的字体标注手机的辐射吸收率指数 (Specific Absorption Rate (SAR):标示手机辐射被人体吸收的程度的一种衡量指数)。
    Under the new rules, stores will be required to show the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of radiation next to phones they sell with a clearly readable 11-point or larger font.
  • 3
    The absolute temperature changes, however, are from 5 to 14 times greater than would be expected on the basis of carbon dioxide "s own ability to absorb infrared radiation, or radiant heat."