play to the gallery
...wn to earth (脚踏实地); go native(入乡随俗);hit the nail on the head(一针见血);play to the gallery (哗众取宠);rock the boat(兴风作浪);turn the other cheek(忍气吞声)等。 3、按其不同比喻词划分 (1)as.
playing to the gallery
而英国超模伊迪·坎贝尔( Edie Campbell)的阅读品味则十分特别,她最爱的书籍是《哗众取宠》(Playing to the Gallery),作者则是OK!在2016年12月10日刊中报道过的英国艺术家格雷森·佩里(Grayson Perry)。
act ostentatiously to impress others
哗众取宠(act ostentatiously to impress others)(考) grandstand : impress / equivocate : deceive(哗众取宠是为了留下 印象/含糊其词是为了 欺骗)(例) a grandstand view or F...
哗众取宠 sensationalism
“哗众取宠”是个多义词,它可以指哗众取宠(汉字成语), 哗众取宠(栋笃笑剧名)。