A life-size image of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton is carried past a London bus near Trafalgar Square by people working on a commercial video shoot for a supermarket chain.
A graduate of the prestigious Beijing film Academy, Mr. Wang stands out as a noteworthy voice from China, whose film market, as in other countries, is dominated by commercial fare.
商业电影 为营利而制作的影片,相对于艺术电影。商业电影专指票房,从编剧到导演及演员均为此角度考虑 商业电影 Commeredia film 相为于艺术电影一词,一般指为营利而制作的影片。私人的电影工业大都以营利为主,因此生产的影片大都属于商业影片。严格的商业电影和艺术电影现在不仅没有很严格的界限,而且十分模糊,甚至已经严重交叉,我们一般还是通过习惯性判断,和电影表达的内涵以及导演的执导思想来确定一部电影的大致方向。