  • 翻译

Trademark use


  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Tarmac原本是为一种黑色有粘连并带难闻气味配合蒸汽碾路机使用的产品而准备的商标名称,注册于1903年。 而之后这个商标名称便顺理成章地成为了这种炼焦副产品的代名词。
    Tarmac was originally a registered trademark from 1903 and the black, smelly, gooey consistency of the stuff as it’s steam-rollered in place gives an obvious clue to the tar part of the word.
  • 2
    图3:使用IBM Rational Rapid Developer一个美工设计人员能够创建可以使多个团队成员能够维护设计和网站页面商标一致的样式存储库。
    Figure 3: With IBM Rational Rapid Developer, a graphic designer can create a style repository that enables multiple contributors to maintain design and branding consistency on Web site pages.
  • 3
    Trademark is a commercial identification sign provided by the dealer in the use of the goods or services, in order to distinguish goods or services from others.