state-owned commercial banks
国有商业银行(state-owned commercial banks)
State-Owned Commercial Banks
国有商业银行(State-Owned Commercial Banks)
state owned commercial bank
集中强化依法清收模式探讨-经济论文-论文中心 关键词:国有商业银行;不良资产;依法清收 [gap=666]Keywords:stat-ownedcommercialbank;non-performingassets;legallyclearingrecovering
owned commercial bank
荷兰商业银行 ING BANK ; ING ; ING BANK N.V 国有商业银行 owned commercial bank ; owned commercial banks ; SOCB 城市商业银行 municipal commercial banks ; Urban commercial banks ; city commercial bank ...
The share-holding reform of large state-owned commercial banks ; transformation of large state-owned commercial banks into joint-stock companies
VTB Bank
four major state-owned commercial banks ; four state-owned commercial banks
国有商业银行,是指由国家(财政部、中央汇金公司)直接管控的大型商业银行。 国有商业银行具体包括:中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国银行、中国建设银行、交通银行、中国邮政储蓄银行。