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     Hellfire Peninsula

    目前我们走过了整个地狱火半岛Hellfire Peninsula)及赞加沼泽(Zangarmarsh)的大部分地方。我们结束地狱火半岛的旅程时大约62.5级,整个过程没有费什么力气,不过得说这里的景色确...

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    ... 地狱火半岛 hellfire 赞加沼泽 zangarmarsh 泰罗卡森林 terokkar forest ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    So when there are 493 people camping the same named quest mob in Hellfire Peninsula on Jan 16, there will be an almost instantaneous respawn of the mob when it dies.
  • 2
    After going through the portal, jump down to your left and you will find a Flight Path NPC, talk to him and he will fly you to Honor Hold, which is the main town for Alliance in Hellfire Peninsula.
  • 3
    当你进入外域之后,你到达的第一个区域称之为地狱半岛。这个区域的等级为60 - 63,差不多应该是整个魔兽世界中最大的区域了。
    When you enter Outlands the first zone you will be in is called Hellfire Peninsula and this zone is intended for level 60-63 players and is one of, if not the largest zone in all of World of Warcraft.