prepare lessons
新课标下初中数学“备课”的开放性与灵活性-大石桥教育传媒网 关键词】新课程;初中数学;备课 [gap=740]Key words】new curriculum; junior high school mathematics; prepare lessons
lesson preparation
...备课;转换角色;创设情景;自主合作;探究在教学中,课堂是教学的主阵地,大班化的班级授课制若没有高效的课堂作基石,就不可能有高质量的教学。为此,我们必须运用科学 [gap=1891]Key words: interest; lesson preparation; changing roles; creating situation; autonomous cooperation; inquiry ..
lesson planning
论文:备课:课堂教学的敲门砖 论文网 关键词 备课;课堂教学;职业院校Lesson Planning: A Stepping Stone to Teaching Lesson Planning//Bao Jun[gap=470]Key words lesson planning; classroom teaching; vocational...
Teaching preparation
teaching preparation备课 4. translate file accding to president , managing president academic service requirements应院长、常务院长和教务处要求翻...