Farmers who once had to rely on payphones to track down customers and teenagers in Togo have become dependent on cellphones, which now represent almost 75% of all new phone subscriptions in Africa.
The 13 highest-risk countries in Africa are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.
Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Benin and Togo — all nations in Sub-Saharan Africa — are the least satisfied with their lives, the report said.
多哥共和国(The Republic of Togo),位于非洲西部,南濒几内亚湾。西与加纳相邻。东同贝宁接壤,北与布基纳法索交界。 海岸线长53公里。全境狭长,一半以上为丘陵和沟谷地带。南部为滨海平原;中部为高原,海拔为500-600米的阿塔科拉山高地;北部为低高原。主要山脉为多哥山脉,鲍曼峰海拔986米,为全国最高点。境内多礁湖。主要河流有莫诺河和奥蒂河。南部属热带雨林气候,北部属热带草原气候。