... symmetry对称性;匀称 tenor要旨;大义;动向 thoroughfare通道;通衢,大道;通行 ...
不义 injustice; unrighteous 大义 a woman's marriage; virtuous cause; righteousness; main points of a piece of writing 定安县 Ding'an county, Hainan ..
a woman's marriage
...a marriage predestined in a former life (idiom) 前世姻缘; 前世姻缘 a woman's marriage 大义; 大义 arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner 相亲; 相亲 ..
virtuous cause
不义 injustice; unrighteous 大义 a woman's marriage; virtuous cause; righteousness; main points of a piece of writing 定义 definition; definitions ..
“大义”是个多义词,它可以指大义(山东省巨野县大义镇), 大义(词语解释), 大义(四川省自贡市牛佛区大义村), 大义(唐代高僧)。