At first my students were struck by the small size and quaintness of the old books compared with the large, colourful ones in current use.
With lots of activeties and fun things to find, My First Wipe Clean Numbers makes learning how to count easy. With a special pen and wipe clean pages, practice makes perfect!
最近的作品在今年出炉,是第二卷的第十一部分,每一部分都是一本书,这次是一本关于钢铁冶金的512页大开本书,作者唐纳德·瓦格纳(Donald B . Wagner),该系列中的第24本。
The latest, out this year, is part 11 of volume five. Each part is a book, in this case a 512-page tome on ferrous metallurgy by Donald B. Wagner, the 24th book in the series.