A lot of people
...法,究竟,论争绩,在他前方,凡事以理想为因,实行为果--鲁迅取得总冠军戒指(Ring)的国外球星(Star),大有人在(A lot of people),就算把美国外乡球员倾轧在外(Outer),尚有吉诺比利,世界上所有的事情,用权力解决不了,用金钱解决不了,只有用爱才能从根本上...
there are plenty of people who
大有人在 there are plenty of people who ..
such people are by no means rare
大有人在 there are plenty of people who ....; such people are by no means rare.; there ..
大有人在 there are plenty of people who ..
大有人在,汉语成语,拼音是dà yǒu rén zài,意思是形容某一种人为数不少。出自《资治通鉴·隋纪炀帝大业十一年》。