Studies lives sleepily
原创:浅谈农村小学“学困生”的转化策略 - 教育论文发表 - 中国论文网 关键词】学困生;转化策略;端正 [gap=709]Key words】Studies lives sleepily; Transformed strategy; Straight
students with learning difficulties
...论文,发表园林论文 关键词:学困生;学习习惯;方法 随着英语课程 [gap=3523]Key words: students with learning difficulties; learning habits; methods 出自北京 知行期刊论文网,转载请注明出处,是最专业的评审职称论文发表,核心期刊论文发表的网站。
Poor Students
英语教育中学困生的成因及转化策略探微 --中国期刊网 关键词】英语;学困生;成因;转化 [gap=518]Key words】English; Poor Students; Causes; Ttransformation
students with learning difficulties ; learning English difficult student ; students with English learning difficulty
system for giving students from poor families financial aid ; system for providing aid to students from poor families
The physics trap to living
学习成绩暂时落后的学生。任何一个班里都有学困生,学困生的转化是教师尤其是班主任的一项重要工作。 那些学习成绩不理想,自律能力有限的学生,他们喜欢自由、有时懒惰贪玩、孤芳自赏、甚至狂傲不羁。其主要表现为:对学习不感兴趣,上课不注意听讲,作业应付。